We have improved this version considering more variety of phones. Enjoy!
In this version, the Tisitano notifications are easier to follow. Enjoy!
In this version we have made some improvements for a better experience in Tisitano. Enjoy!
In this version, we have improved the views and access for a better experience. Have fun buying and selling!
We have improved this version with more safety and reality through the app. Enjoy!
In this version, we have improved the features for a better experience through the app. Enjoy!
In this version, we have improved the features for better security and experience through the app. Enjoy!
In this version, you can Like advertisements and find your liked ads in the Favorite section of your profile. Enjoy!
In this version we have added a section for ads of used goods with defects. Sellers can enter the defects of their products, so the buyers will have better experience buying second-handed products. Enjoy!
In Tisitano app, you can sell and buy stuff easily. In this version, these items are added:
- you can share your profile with your friends,
- you can invite your friends to Tisitano from your contact list app,
- you can check the Tisitano blogs through the setting.
In Tisitano app, you can sell and buy stuff easily. In this version, we have done minor improvements for better experience. Enjoy!
We have improved our connection with you in Tisitano.
- From now on, chatting with tt Support team is available in tisichat, and users can ask their questions live.
- Minor bug fixes are done.
Minor changes are done through the app to make labels and icons right to the point.
Plenty of consistency improvements are done.
- Tisipay is available now in Tisitano. Users can fund to their tt wallets to use it in their advertisements.
- Also the wallet transactions are visible in the wallet.
- Verified accounts in Tisitano are detectable in their pages.
- Minor improvements are done.
- Minor UI fixed are done.
- Supporting you is facilitated more in Contact Us forms.
- Some guiding notes are added to the app for your safety.
Android 13 is fully supported in this version.
- Further transactions in Tisitano will follow your country currency.
- Identification process is easier now.
- Few bug fixes are done.
- Different types of user in tisitano can use the app fluently with more safety.
- Slight bug fixes are done.
- Signing up and Logging in is now easy in Tisitano! Users can use their Facebook account to sign up or log in.
- Few bug fixes are done.
Minor bug fix is done
- From now on, the unregistered users who cannot receive OTP sms, can sign up with email as well.
- Surfing through the app has got easier for users who have not logged in.
- Some screens have changed.